Rugby Talking Newspaper
Your weekly news digest from Rugby newspapers
Download our funding report
Rugby Talking Newspaper is available free of charge no matter how you listen to us
About Rugby Talking Newspaper
Rugby Talking Newspaper is a local charity wholly run by volunteers to support people living with sight loss to access news and information about their local community.
We produce a weekly news digest from Rugby newspapers supplemented by interesting local and national magazine articles.
If you want to learn more about getting RTN contact us below.

How do I listen to RTN?

Rugby Talking Newspaper is available free of charge no matter how you listen to us
The Difference we make
Mary B. Rugby
Volunteer for Us
Just call 07793 072889.
We are run by a committee of volunteers comprising the Chair, Secretary, Editor, Treasurer, Technical Manager, Volunteer Representative and Listener Representative.
Job Posts
Production team – (usually 4 people – 3 readers led by a Producer on Wednesday evenings) produce the master copy of the weekly edition, make sufficient duplicates and get them ready for postal collection Preparation and production teams work on a 6-weekly rota.
Fundraising – We are also keen to recruit someone who can help us with fundraising and social media.
The RTN studio is located at Rugby Thornfield Indoor Bowls Club, Bruce Williams Way, Rugby CV22 5LZ
Contact Us
If you want to learn more about receiving the Rugby Talking Newspaper, or want to volunteer, then please contact us
Correspondence/return sticks
Rugby Talking Newspaper
Royal Mail DO, PO Box 1000,
Mill Road,
CV21 1AA
We would like to thank
Rugby Advertiser | Rugby Observer | Rugby Lions | Rugby Rotary | 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust | The Rugby Group Benevolent Fund Limited